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How Bad Is Food Waste for the Environment? How You Can Reduce It?

How Bad Is Food Waste for the Environment? How You Can Reduce It?

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How Bad Is Food Waste for the Environment? How You Can Reduce It? We, humans, are a gluttonous bunch. Gone are the days when we used to eat purely for the sake of survival. Today, we eat for the sheer enjoyment of it. And while there’s nothing wrong with going out and enjoying the occasional…

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What is composting and how does it work? How do I start and what is the best method?

What is composting and how does it work? How do I start and what is the best method?

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What is composting and how does it work? How do I start and what is the best method? In this article, we’re going to tell you everything you need to know about composting and how to get started.  But first, did you know? That in the United States alone, 30% of all food produced, which…

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What exactly can you put in your electric food waste composter?

What exactly can you put in your electric food waste composter?

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What exactly can you put in your electric food waste composter? It is so enjoyable to use your electric food waste composter, not only to get rid of unwanted organic material but also to feel like you are helping the environment and reducing pollution at the same time. We all want to be more eco-friendly…

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What is an electric food composter? How do you use one and is it good for homemade compost?

What is an electric food composter? How do you use one and is it good for homemade compost?

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What is an electric food composter? How do you use one and is it good for homemade compost? What is an electric food composter? How do they work and are they suitable for making compost at home? In this article, we’re going to outline some of the benefits of having an electric food composter and…

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Do you want to Start Composting? Should You Buy an Electric Food Waste Composter?:

Do you want to Start Composting? Should You Buy an Electric Food Waste Composter?:

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Do you want to Start Composting? Should You Buy an Electric Food Waste Composter? Do you want to start composting at home? Have you been giving some thought to recycling your green waste and turning it into your very own compost and fertilizer? If so, then you have likely come across electric food waste composters….

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How does a food waste disposal machine help reduce global warming?

How does a food waste disposal machine help reduce global warming?

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It is undeniable that today’s global warming problem is an important factor that changes the way of life for everything on Earth. Soon we will start to see the news that the polar ice is melting. Summer is getting hotter every day. Water scarcity is becoming more and more severe every year. Soon it may…

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To reduce food waste and global warming

To reduce food waste and global warming

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To reduce food waste and global warming    When we waste food goes to the landfill and rots, it produces methane and releases a greenhouse gas more than 25 times of carbon monoxide  Eco-Friendly due to we uses the microorganisms to decompose No chemicals used To import the Microorganisms from Korea Specifically researched and developed…

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